Downtown Edmond Improvements Continue

The scale of improvements being made to the downtown area the past few years is quite impressive, and they don’t appear to be slowing any time soon.

This is yet another example of our city’s forward thinking and willingness to improve on an already great thing.  At the heart of all of these improvements is the interest that the residents of Edmond take in seeing the city lead the way in different areas of growth.  The cultural side of our city seems to be of particular interest to many, and that includes the attraction of the downtown area, to draw in shoppers from all over.

If you’re like me, you probably like to imagine and visualize what it may be like in a few years, and articles like this one in the Edmond Sun help me to understand a little more of the vision our city planners have.

Keep up the great work, Edmondites!  These types of improvements only help add to the appeal our great city already has for anyone looking to move to the Oklahoma City metro area.

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Ryan Hukill About Ryan Hukill

I'm the founder and creative Firestarter behind the ShowMeOKC Team. I love this great city and all that's going on here, and really love showing it off and helping to break the age-old stereotypes.

I married up, am Dad to 5, friend to many, motorcycle-junkie, traveler, camper, jeeper, OU & OKC Thunder fanatic, and love a great steak, a great cup of coffee, and great techie things.