Edmond Home Builders Buckling Down

Right now, there’s plenty of fear out there; more than enough to go around. With the seemingly consistent flow of scary financial news, and the recent downfall of one of our larger local builders, it’s understandable that the perception may be that the local real estate market is taking a major nose-dive, but we have to keep things in perspective. The sky is not falling, and you still have to live somewhere, right?

In this business, smart business practice – which includes fiscal conservatism – is what separates the men from the boys, especially in a soft market. It just so happens that the builders we work closely with are a few of those who’ve positioned themselves to ride out the storm. Jeff Click Homes is one; and another of these builders was just highlighted in the Oklahoman.

Over the past few years, while the Edmond real estate market has been so strong, many home buyers have asked “Why do I need a REALTOR® when I’m buying a new home? Can’t I just go directly to the builder?” As you’d probably guess, I always advise against this, for several reasons, but in today’s softer market, with several builders teetering on the edge, it’s more important than ever to get some guidance from someone who’s plugged in and has a grasp on how to help you make sure your next move is a smart one.

An additional way to stay in tune with the OKC and Edmond market is by subscribing to this blog. We’ll keep you up-to-date on market statistics, trends and news.

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Ryan Hukill About Ryan Hukill

I'm the founder and creative Firestarter behind the ShowMeOKC Team. I love this great city and all that's going on here, and really love showing it off and helping to break the age-old stereotypes.

I married up, am Dad to 5, friend to many, motorcycle-junkie, traveler, camper, jeeper, OU & OKC Thunder fanatic, and love a great steak, a great cup of coffee, and great techie things.