Edmond's Territorial School House Open to the Public

Those of us who’ve been around Edmond for a while are proudly aware of the Territorial School House, located at 124 E. Second St.  I find myself in awe every time I drive by it.  Those who don’t know about it soon will. 

This school house was the first public school house for children in the Oklahoma Territory, built in August of 1889.  It’s amazing to look at this small building and imagine trying to send our kids there today for an education, and it’s equally impressive to know that there are groups of people who work very hard to protect and preserve this building.  The Edmond Historical Society, and the Edmond Historic Preservation Trust, are the parties responsible, and they’ve been trying to find a way to make the school house available to public viewings.

Well, it looks like things are finally coming together, according to this recent article in the Edmond Sun.  Get ready to experience what school was like over a hundred years ago, as an open house has been set for 1:30-4 p.m. April 5.

The trust and the society are also working on a way to develop an educational program tied to the school house, for the Edmond Public School system.  Celebrating our heritage, and keeping our kids aware of it are great goals, and it’s nice to see things being done right.

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Ryan Hukill About Ryan Hukill

I'm the founder and creative Firestarter behind the ShowMeOKC Team. I love this great city and all that's going on here, and really love showing it off and helping to break the age-old stereotypes.

I married up, am Dad to 5, friend to many, motorcycle-junkie, traveler, camper, jeeper, OU & OKC Thunder fanatic, and love a great steak, a great cup of coffee, and great techie things.