The Homeowner Affordability & Stability Plan

There’s rarely a shortage of things to talk about these days in regard to the government and the housing market.  Now that we have the new Home Buyer Tax Credit in place, President Obama is moving on to the Homeowner Affordability & Stability Plan.

If you’re not up to speed yet on what this plan may or may not entail, feel free to check out my friend Kristal Kraft’s blog for details, and watch this video to see differing opinions on whether or not it will work:

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Ryan Hukill About Ryan Hukill

I'm the founder and creative Firestarter behind the ShowMeOKC Team. I love this great city and all that's going on here, and really love showing it off and helping to break the age-old stereotypes.

I married up, am Dad to 5, friend to many, motorcycle-junkie, traveler, camper, jeeper, OU & OKC Thunder fanatic, and love a great steak, a great cup of coffee, and great techie things.


  1. Hi Ryan,

    I heard you mention my name so I'm dropping by! You are right, there certainly is a lot to talk about these days!